#AYearInADay campaign launches on 1 January 2022 to inspire action to restore Planetary Health
Blue Mountains 24 Dec 2021

From 1 January 2022, Blue Mountains City Council’s Planetary Health Initiative will be launching a new campaign to help grow local action for planetary health. 

Each day a new action to improve the health of the planet – either socially, environmentally and/or economically – will be published via Council’s Planetary Health social media channels, and the entire Blue Mountains community is invited to get involved.

These actions could be as small as planting a seed, starting to compost, pulling a weed in bushland, or choosing to help a local community group. On their own they might seem almost insignificant, but when 364 other people also do something small, together they become the actions of a whole year in one day.

Mayor Mark Greenhill said: “As we kick off a brand new year, the #AYearInADay campaign gives each of us daily, achievable actions that we can do to restore our beautiful environment and strengthen the wonderful community that we are all a part of. We’re keen to see actions the community comes up with too!”

The #AYearInADay campaign is the latest project to be delivered by Council’s Planetary Health Initiative, which commenced in 2021.

In December 2021, the Initiative launched the world's first Planetary Health Pluriversity and Social Enterprise Incubator which is delivering a free Permaculture and Social Enterprise Design Course for young people in January, as well as a course for the wider community in late February.

Blue Mountains CEO Rosemary Dillion said of the Planetary Health Initiative: “Taking positive actions is infectious and it is extremely exciting and rewarding to see Council’s long term vision of achieving a Sustainable Blue Mountains taking shape in such tangible ways.

“We believe it is imperative that everyone takes action at every level, as we all have a role to play and that’s especially the case for local government. The world is made up of thousands of local government areas and if we all take action who knows, we might just achieve a bottom up revolution that saves the planet.”

To follow Council’s Planetary Health social media channels, and the #AYearInADay campaign, go to: bmcc.nsw.gov.au/keep-up-to-date-our-planetary-health-news

To subscribe to the #AYearInADay blog go to: http://bmpluriversity.org/elementor-3070.

Learn about the Blue Mountains Planetary Health Initiative at: bmcc.nsw.gov.au/planetary-health.

Photo: Young people building a permaculture garden and planting trees for a micro-forest at headspace Katoomba in January 2021.