We are reminding residents where they can get help and support for domestic and family violence through a novel awareness campaign in local public amenities.

With reports of domestic and family violence increasing during the pandemic crisis, Council will place stickers in its 115 public amenities and 23 sports facilities reminding people where they can get DV counselling and support.

This initiative was made possible through input from the Northern Beaches Domestic Violence Network, whose longstanding guidance to Council on domestic violence matters is invaluable.

Stickers will be posted on about 600 Council restroom cubicle doors with the 1800RESPECT contact number and website address.

There have been reports of increased domestic violence cases across the world, with 1800RESPECT recording an increase of 11 per cent more calls to its helpline compared to last year.

Google also reported a 75 per cent increase in internet searches relating to support for domestic violence.

People are reminded if they are experiencing domestic violence, there are very good professional services available a ‘phone call away.

If you or someone you know is impacted by domestic violence, contact

1800RESPECT (1800 737 732) or www.1800RESPECT.org.au available 24/7.

In an emergency, call Triple Zero (000).