1 April 2020

Liverpool City Council is opening Council facilities and ensuring basic essentials will continue to be provided to the homeless and vulnerable groups during the coronavirus crisis.

With many charities struggling with reduced donations and volunteers, Council is coordinating with service providers and mobilising resources to support vulnerable residents.

“This is a tough time for everyone and we know it will be particularly difficult for those without easy access to food, shelter and washing facilities,” Liverpool Mayor Wendy Waller said.

“Council is determined that we will get through this time – and that we will get through it together. Nobody will be left behind.

“Council staff are working with key NGO partners and other government agencies to open our facilities to the homeless where needed and ensure those basic essentials will continue to be available.”

Public amenities at Bigge Park, Lighthorse Park and Collimore Park will be open 24/7 to give the homeless access to toilets and washing facilities. People will also be able to use showers in the Francis Greenway Centre.

Council is also providing wipes, hand sanitiser and swags to the homeless along with a printed timetable of free food services and essential phone numbers.

Residents are encouraged to donate grocery items to help support people in need at a time when donations are at critically low levels. Donated items can include eggs, cold meats, fruit and vegetables, canned food, bread, spreads, cheese, pasta, cereal, cleaning and hygiene products and other essentials.

Donations can be taken to:

The Salvation Army, 51-55 Memorial Avenue, Liverpool. Phone: 9601 2813 or 0428 203 298.Heckenberg-Busby Neighbourhood Centre, 22 Green Valley Road. Phone: 9600 0600.

Council will also open up community centres for use by charities and government agencies to deliver critical and essential services, including food sorting and distribution, and shelter.

Council continues to work with local charities regarding their capacity to continue or expand their existing services.