Carnes Hill Library will be the permanent home for 155 Aboriginal artefacts that are estimated to be at least 4000-8000 years old.

Most of the artefacts on display are debitage – remnants of Neolithic stone tool making and include at least one blade – and were uncovered during test excavation before the construction of the Carnes Hill Community and Recreation Centre.

The Neolithic Age, also known as the New Stone Age, was the final stage of cultural evolution or technological development among prehistoric humans. The artefacts in Carnes Hill are labelled ‘microlithic’, which is a reference to their size and scale.

Archaeologist Mathew Smith recreated by hand a selection of tools similar to those made and used by the local Aboriginal communities. The reconstructed tools, and a video about how they were made, will also be displayed at the exhibition.

“I reconstructed the tools using silcrete and mudstone. Stone tool replication allows for valuable insights into how the stone artefacts may have been made and used,” Mr Smith said.

The glass cabinet housing the artefacts has an intriguing design – black rods beneath each artefact vary in height to represent the topography around Beard Creek, where the artefacts were found.

Mayor Waller said the exhibition was a reminder that we are all part of a history dating back tens of thousands of years.

“This exhibition is the first of its kind for Liverpool. Thank you to all those involved in its establishment.”

“It is important for our residents to remember and celebrate Liverpool’s Aboriginal heritage.”

Information at the exhibition relating to the cultural practices and everyday life of the Indigenous people of the area has been provided by Aboriginal stakeholders including the Gandangara Local Aboriginal Land Council, Darug Custodian Aboriginal Corporation and the Aboriginal community of Liverpool.

Wendy Morgan, a member of the local Aboriginal community who was part of the exhibition’s organising committee, said that the process was collaborative and inclusive.

According to the Aboriginal stakeholders, stone tools were used in all manners of life – hunting, food preparation and even self-defence.

The exhibition “Pride of Place” will be formally unveiled on Tuesday 12 February 2019, 10:00am to 12:00pm and all members of the public are welcome to attend.