At its meeting held on 22 August 2018 Bellingen Shire Council voted to waive developer contributions for secondary dwelling applications for a further two years.

This decision was made in response to the findings and recommendations of a report which analysed all development and complying development applications for secondary dwellings approved by Council since 2010.

The analysis revealed that Council’s 2014 decision to enable the erection of secondary dwellings in certain rural zones combined with the incentives program for secondary dwellings has attracted a significant amount of investment in this type of housing stock.  

58 secondary dwellings have been approved in the Shire since 2010, with the majority of these being new buildings on residential zoned land in the Bellinger Valley and in particular, Bellingen.

Secondary dwellings are a comparatively affordable housing choice, with the average cost of construction of a new build secondary dwelling approved by Council in the last two years being just $133,605 compared to an average construction cost of $320,395 for a single dwelling.  Conversion of existing buildings into a secondary dwelling was the most affordable option, with an average cost of $47,500.

Bellingen Shire Mayor, Cr Dominic King said “The decision by Council to waive the current requirement to pay developer contributions for secondary dwellings for another two years is consistent with the approach taken by other Mid North Coast Councils and aligns well with the Bellingen Shire Community Vision 2036.”

“Council is confident that the waiving of developer contributions will continue to encourage investment in secondary dwellings and help to improve both the availability and affordability of 1 and 2 bedroom rental housing stock in the Bellingen Shire”, added the Mayor.

For further information contact Council’s Land Use Services on 6655 7300.