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Edward River Council 25 Oct 2023
Have your say on the new name of the North Deniliquin rest area

Published on 25 October 2023

Edward River Council is calling on the local community to share suggestions for the new name of the rest area in North Deniliquin, formerly known as the North Deniliquin Tennis Courts, as part of its redevelopment of the area into a rest area for visitors to Deniliquin.

Council decided to include the local community in the naming of the rest area after receiving enquiries as to the name of the location, and a request to name the area in recognition of a community member with a long history relating to the former tennis club.

Edward River Mayor Cr Peta Betts urges community members who know the area well to submit their ideas for a name to Council and be part of the town’s planning process.

“This is a chance for community members to suggest names that reflect the history or a characteristic of the area. People can suggest names that have a significance to our town, it’s people and culture.” Cr Betts said.

“It’s also a great opportunity for Council to involve the community in the process of naming areas of our town.”

Submissions can be made at:  https://au.openforms.com/Form/60fb5838-446c-4415-b0b6-7caf8fc7826e

Submissions are being taken until Friday 1 December.