Out of Order Exhibition
Cumberland Council 26 Sep 2022
Exhibition open from 7 September to 10 December 2022

Out of Order is a group exhibition that explores the complexities of the lived experience of people with disability and/or chronical illness. Guest curated by artist Amy Claire Mills, the show aims to reframe the narrative of what it looks like or means to live with a disability presenting different experiences and stories from across the disability spectrum.

The artworks in Out of Order range from video to painting to textiles creating both a visually colourful and tactile experience that gives voice to those who historically have been marginalised.

Artists: Bruno Booth, Chronically Fully Sick, M. Sunflower, Bailee Lobb, Prue Stevenson, Eugenie Lee, Ohni Blu, Amy Claire Mills & Josie Young and Digby Webster.

Exhibition tours (sensory / tactile / quiet) and AUSLAN interpreted