A new draft Playgrounds Plan of Management is now on public exhibition and submissions will be accepted until Tuesday, 12 April 2022.

To view the draft PoM, visit Council's Your Say North Sydney website at:


You can make comments and see background information about the document and the process.



The new draft Playgrounds PoM is a strategic document that sets out how these important community facilities will look, be used and be managed over the next 5-10 years.

The new draft Playgrounds PoM has been prepared in accordance with the Crown Land Management Act 2016 (CLM Act).

It has been referred to the relevant NSW government department and approval to publicly exhibit the draft PoM has been obtained. When finalised and adopted, the new Playgrounds PoM will replace Council’s existing Playgrounds PoM 2016.

Overview of the Playgrounds PoM

Playgrounds are a special part of North Sydney’s open space network. They are more than equipment and physical spaces; they are places for families and friends to gather, places for people to be active, and places for learning. North Sydney provides a range of safe, fun, inclusive and challenging playgrounds for the community’s use and enjoyment. Our playgrounds are custom designed to complement the character of the parks in which they are located.

Council manages and maintains 33 playgrounds within an area of 10 square kilometres. For the purposes of this Plan of Management, playgrounds are public play environments comprising play equipment, complementary ancillary facilities such as fitness equipment and associated hard and soft landscape works. North Sydney’s playgrounds primarily cater for children aged from 2 to 12 and their parents and carers.

The Playgrounds Plan of Management also considers other public outdoor recreation facilities including fitness equipment, basketball rings, skate and scooter parks and the like. These facilities are often co-located with playgrounds, and cater to the needs of children, teens and older members of the community who have ‘outgrown’ playgrounds.

Next Steps

Once the public exhibition and submission period has ended, Council’s Project Team will review all submissions. A report to Council will be prepared, outlining the community’s responses and any changes required to finalise the document as a result of the submissions. Following adoption by Council, the draft Playgrounds PoM will be updated to produce the final Playgrounds PoM.

Please direct any queries about this project to Council’s Landscape Planner, Megan White on 9936 8100.

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