An item which appears in the November issue of Council corner regarding green waste pick up and weight limits on 240 litre sulo bins is incorrect.

Any type of green waste can be deposited in these bins, but due to safety concerns when lifting the bins hydraulically, a weight limit will apply to prevent the bin being accidently dropped into the rear of the truck when too heavy. This has recently occurred with the operator of the truck having to climb into the hopper section of the truck to try and retrieve the bin. This can result in unsafe work practices and injury to the employee.

The safe working load lifting capacity of the sulo bins will be in line with manufactures specifications, along with WH&S requirements, are limited to approx. 90 kg.

Please be mindful of wet lawn clippings and any other items that may result in the bin not being able to be collected due to an overweight issue.

Your cooperation and understanding are appreciated.