In a Council first, several new shared paths have been installed using environmentally-friendly concrete, saving the equivalent emissions produced from lighting 26 average Australian homes.

At a local level, we’re committed to protecting our environment from the impacts of climate change and accelerating action to reduce carbon emissions. We even have an aspiration to achieve net zero emissions by 2030 and we’re well on our way!

The eco concrete replaces traditional material and is carefully designed to use waste materials such as fly ash and slag from coal-fired power stations which would ordinarily go to landfill, minimising the environmental impact of concrete.

Our three new eco concrete paths are:

a 400-metre long and 3-metre-wide shared path through Wingara Reserve at Belrose connecting local streets with Glenrose Shopping Centre, Lionel Watts Reserve transport, and schools.a 200-metre shared path through Allambie Heights Oval at the top of Roosevelt Ave to Allambie Road, Allambie Shops and Allambie Heights Public School. Connecting the new shared path along Allambie Rd through to Warringah Road.a 140-metre path through Catalpa Reserve, Avalon Beach between Central Road and The Appian Way.

By using a total 2,027 sqm of sustainable concrete over the standard blend concrete at these locations we saved around 11 tonnes of carbon.

The new paths will provide our community with a safer walking and cycling route and greater accessibility for prams, wheelchairs and mobility scooters as well as minimising our dependence on cars, also reducing carbon emissions.

Last month Council endorsed a plan to join forces with 15 Sydney councils to use recycled crushed glass where feasible as a substitute for natural sand in local roads and footpaths. All part of our commitment to the environment.