Liverpool City Council is proud to announce the staged opening of Cirillo Reserve - a world-class sports complex and recreational space in Middleton Grange.

The Mayor of Liverpool Wendy Waller officially opened Cirillo Reserve on Saturday 27 March, and said the progressive opening gives residents early access to the recreational facility.

“This is a much-needed space for our residents in Middleton Grange who can now make the most of the playgrounds, outdoor gym, plaza area and pathways; until the sporting fields are open for casual access mid-year,” Mayor Waller said.

Cirillo Reserve will feature:

Two soccer fields / one cricket pitch;A children’s playground;An off-leash dog park;An outdoor gym;Amenities block;Terraced seating; andPicnic facilities

“We are thrilled that this recreational facility will serve as a regional centre for women’s soccer and will be occupied by the local Southern Districts Soccer Football Association (SDSFA).

“This is a pivotal partnership for Council, and represents our commitment to delivering high-quality facilities that support healthy and active lifestyles and specifically cater and promote female sports participation and development in our community.”

Once operational, SDSFA will host a mixture of grass-roots to elite female football programs including: competition games, football gala days, development programs, coaching programs, referee and player training and Come-and-Try football programs.

The sporting fields will be shared by sporting clubs, schools and members of the public once they are open.

“As Council delivers this recreational facility in Middleton Grange, works are progressing at the neighbouring Stante Reserve to develop a $2 million water play park which will include an amenities building and picnic facilities.

“We appreciate your patience as works continue in Middleton Grange to deliver facilities for the betterment of our community,” Mayor Waller said.

The $9 million Cirillo Reserve development was partially funded with a $1 million grant from the Australian Government through the Community Development Grants Programme and a $20,000 grant from the Football NSW Let’s Light Up Football initiative.