Bellingen Shire Council is pleased to announce that the 2020/21 Environmental Levy Community Fund (ELCF), a small grants program supporting community based environmental and sustainability projects within the Bellingen Local Government Area, are now open.

Bellingen Shire Council Mayor, Cr Dominic King, said “We’re inviting applications for local projects carried out on public land, or land that is readily accessible to the public, that focus on invasive plant and biodiversity management activities, coastline and river management projects, waste minimisation and climate change initiatives.”

“2020 has been a tough year for us all, so Council would like to inform all of our community groups that due to Covid-19 restrictions and subsequent delays, any applications from groups with outstanding ELCF projects from 2019/20 will still be considered if they are able to demonstrate the ability to complete both projects within the 2021 calendar year.”

Applications to the 2020/21 ELCF can be made up to the maximum value of $5,000, including GST and community groups who are successful in gaining funding under the ELCF are also encouraged to apply for external grants where possible to match and maximise their funds and deliver the best environmental outcomes possible.

To apply for the ELCF, please visit Councils recently launched ‘Good Grants’ online grant management system

The Good Grants online grant management system includes all the information to complete an application, including guidelines, application form and prompts to assist with completion of applications. If any further help is required please email Council’s Sustainable Environment & Waste team at [email protected]

Community groups please note applications close midnight Monday 18 January 2021.