Coffs Harbour City Council can now confirm the NSW Minister for Planning, Rob Stokes, has approved the Development Application (DA) for the new Cultural and Civic Space.

“I’m over the moon. I’m so glad that Minister Stokes and the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment see the immense value this amazing new community facility will bring to current and future generations of the Coffs Coast community. It will improve access to educational resources, art, culture, history and creative facilities,” said Coffs Harbour Mayor Councillor Denise Knight.

“It will be a central, welcoming meeting place that brings us together to learn, share community knowledge and skills which are vital to set our future generations up for success. Crucially, it will be a focal point for our creative industry sector and a tourist drawcard that will give people a reason to visit long after the bypass has been completed.

“Ultimately, it will be a landmark building and a cultural destination that we talk about with pride.”

The new building will house the Regional Gallery, Central Library, Regional Museum, multipurpose meeting and rooftop terrace for community use – a co-working space, maker space and digital creative studio – a Council customer service area and Council offices. Having Council’s staff under one roof will result in both efficiency and productivity gains for the community.

“To say we are very pleased would be an understatement.  This is a public community facility that will stand the test of time and will help our youth gain the necessary skills and knowledge they need to thrive as our regional city grows.  Now that the State Significant DA has been approved, we will be continuing the development of the detailed design for the new building, which is nearing the 80% completed stage,” said Steve McGrath, Council’s General Manager.

“We expect, at this stage, for Council to be looking at construction in early 2021.  This is a significant win for the Coffs Harbour community, well done to those involved in standing true to the vision.”

The DA for the Cultural and Civic Space was assessed by the Department of Planning Industry and Environment (DPIE) as it is considered to be a State Significant Development (SSD). Such applications are considered by the DPIE for reasons of size, economic value or potential impacts.