Eurobodalla Council’s parks and gardens crew will soon begin spraying weeds at local sportsfields and reserves to keep them looking great.

Starting early November, the Council will use a broadleaf herbicide Spearhead to target weeds such as bindii and clover, with periodic spraying to continue throughout the summer season.

Spraying will be done first thing in the morning and fields will be closed for four hours while it dries.

During that time, signs will be up asking people to stay off the grass, with details of the time, date and herbicide used. Where onion grass is being targeted for removal, a spray called Destiny will be used.

In some areas, crews will also apply Primo, a turf growth regulator, which improves turf quality and helps it better withstand heat stress.

The grounds are ready for use as soon as the signs come down and users may notice some harmless discolouration of the grass.