Cr Humphries Re-elected as Mayor

Councillors Katrina Humphries and Greg Smith have been re-elected into their official positions of Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Moree Plains Shire Council following mayoral elections at yesterday’s Council Meeting.

During yesterday’s Ordinary Council Meeting, an election for the office of the Mayor was held for the 2020/21 term. Voting in this election was carried out by open voting with Cr Humphries retaining her seat as Mayor for the next 12 months.

Mayor Humphries was pleased to enjoy the continued support of her fellow councillors and be re-elected as Mayor for Moree Plains Shire Council.

“I cherish my position at this wonderful council and am deeply touched to receive the continued support of my fellow Councillors and be re-elected as Mayor.

“I am looking forward to another 12 months of being Mayor and using my position to continue to campaign for the Moree Plains as well as stand up for the bush and rural communities”, said Mayor Humphries.

Cr Greg Smith will also return to serve an additional 12 months as Deputy Mayor of Moree Plains Shire Council.

“It is an honour to serve as Deputy Mayor. I look forward to driving development in the Moree Plains through many of the initiatives we have secured over the past few years, including the investigation of the Moree Special Activation Precinct,” said Cr Smith.

“I look forward to continuing to work with Katrina and our fellow Councillors.” 

Two nominations for the office of mayor were received from Cr Humphries and Cr Cassells, with Cr Humphries receiving 5 votes to Cr Cassells’ 3 votes.

This election will move Cr Humphries into her 13th year as Mayor for Moree Plains Shire Council.