In response to a number of planning related announcements and legislative changes introduced by the NSW Government, Wollondilly along with other councils within the Greater Sydney Region is reviewing its Local Environmental Plan.

Council is seeking feedback on a series of draft strategies focussed on managing land use in the Shire over the next 20 years.

The aim is to gather information on which to base future land use planning decisions and prepare strategies, particularly to establish a framework for sustainable managed growth.

Earlier this year, Council’s Wollondilly 2040 Local Strategic Planning Statement was endorsed, outlining the land use planning vision for Wollondilly.

Mayor Matthew Deeth said, “Our vision is for Wollondilly to be an enviable lifestyle of historic villages, modern living, rural lands and bush, with a prosperous, sustainable and resilient future for Wollondilly residents.”

“We want to retain the many elements that make Wollondilly a great place for everyone. We will continue to work with the State Government to ensure that any growth aligns with our vision.”

“We are inviting feedback from the community on these important strategies which will play a vital role for future planning in Wollondilly,” he said.

Council is now inviting feedback on the following Draft Strategies, to make sure any proposed new developments are appropriate for the area:

Draft Local Housing Strategy – to provide a clear plan for the provision of housing within Wollondilly over the next 20 years Draft Rural Lands Strategy - setting a framework for managing growth, change and development for rural land. Draft Employment Lands Strategy - to guide the future development of employment lands within Wollondilly. Draft Centres Strategy – setting the direction for managing Wollondilly’s unique towns and villages. Draft Urban Tree Canopy Plan & Landscape Strategy - to develop an urban tree canopy plan and landscape strategy to protect, maintain, and enhance a healthy and diverse urban tree canopy. Draft Scenic and Cultural Lands Strategy - setting a framework to manage Wollondilly’s landscapes that have scenic and cultural significance.

The Draft Strategies and supporting information, including background studies, are available at Your Say Wollondilly.

Submissions close Friday 2 October 2020.