Schools National Tree Day will still thrive this year, with Council reaching out to local schools and offering free native plants to create habitat in their school grounds.

While larger community events are on hold this year due to COVID-19, teachers and students are still being encouraged to celebrate Schools National Tree Day on Friday 31 July.

Following on from Council’s recent Backyard Habitat program in May and June where we delivered native plants to the doorsteps of 750 residents, we are now offering native plants also caringly propagated and sourced from our volunteer community nurseries and distributing them directly to schools without contact.

The focus of the initiative is to inspire students to learn about their local environment while fostering their love of nature.

Gretel Watson from Curl Curl North Public School said she would be delighted to receive free plants from Council.

"We have a spot on our school grounds that will benefit enormously from additional plants."

“This is a great way for students to learn and also benefit the local environment by creating further habitat for our precious wildlife,” Ms Watson said.

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