Council is currently inviting feedback on a planning proposal to amend the Wollondilly Local Environmental Plan 2011, to make sure any proposed new developments are appropriate for the area.

The Local Environmental Plan guides planning decisions for the Wollondilly Local Government Area through zoning and development controls, which provide a framework for how land can be used.

Mayor Matthew Deeth explained, “Council is seeking to introduce a new step in the planning approval process to ensure that any proposed new development is appropriate for Wollondilly’s rural areas.”

“The proposal also acknowledges the link between how land is used and the health and wellbeing of residents, workers and visitors.”

The main aims of the proposal are to:

enhance the health and wellbeing of communities better manage rural areas make the Western City District Plan operational ensure the Local Environmental Plan reflects changes on the ground or updates to legislation.

This is an initial amendment following the adoption of the Wollondilly 2040 Local Strategic Planning Statement, which sets a new vision for the future of Wollondilly - for an enviable lifestyle of historic villages, modern living, rural lands and bush.

Council is also working on a number of important studies that include consideration of housing and employment need, the role of Wollondilly’s towns and villages and rural lands, scenic and cultural landscapes and urban tree canopy.

Information on the Planning Proposal is available on Your Say Wollondilly

The closing date for submissions is 30 June 2020.