​With the easing of restrictions, most local businesses are slowly returning to normal and their customers are coming back in droves.

Parking spots around these businesses is at a premium and they are vital for their survival, so it's a timely warning for people to obey the rules.

Mayor Khal Asfour said during the peak of COVID-19, Council's Rangers adopted a compassionate approach when dealing with timed parking breaches.

"At this time there were very few cars on the road and, of course, businesses were closed, so there was little need to enforce these restrictions," he said.

"That is now changing. Local businesses are opening up, and their customers need parking. So our Council's Rangers will be returning their attention to enforcing time-restricted parking to make sure everyone is getting a fair go.

"This, of course, is not about penalising people, it's about making sure people are following the rules so that local businesses can thrive and their customers have places to park," he said.

"It's just not fair to have people parking all day in a one-hour zone."

Mayor Asfour said just because Council's Rangers were exercising leniency, did not mean illegal behaviour was tolerated.

"Anyone caught parking on a footpath, in a bus zone or no stopping area, or putting the safety of others at risk, especially in a School Zone, was fined," he said.

For more information about parking rules throughout Canterbury-Bankstown, visit cb.city/parkinginfo