We recently asked for your feedback on City of Parramatta Council’s Draft Operational Plan and Budget 2020/21, part of which will help guide the City’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The plan, known as Year Three of the Delivery Program 2018-2021, details how Council will implement its core services, activities, programs and projects in the next financial year.

We are reviewing all feedback received and will share the key findings once our review has been completed. Following this, a final version of the Operational Plan and Budget 2020-2021 will put to Council for endorsement and adoption.

What is the Operational Plan & Budget?

A component of the Delivery Program is an annual Operational Plan, which includes a detailed annual budget, rates, fees and charges for the year ahead. This is reviewed each year to ensure Council’s activities are still in line with its priority goals, and that they are achievable and in line with budget.

How is City of Parramatta addressing the impacts of COVID-19?

In recent months we’ve all been faced with unprecedented changes and challenges with the COVID-19 pandemic.  

We are committed to supporting our community and staff through these difficult and uncertain times. In April, Council announced a $3 million relief and recovery package to support jobs and businesses, protect rate payers, accelerate shovel-ready projects and ensure our City recovers as quickly as possible.

As a result of the pandemic, Council is budgeting for an operating deficit of $12.9 million in 2020/21, primarily due to the loss of revenue caused by COVID-19. Council anticipates the budget will return to surplus in 2021/22, pending the impact and duration of the pandemic.

Despite these challenges, our priorities remain unchanged: to ensure our City continues to thrive and to provide the vital infrastructure and services our diverse and growing community needs.

What is in the Budget?

The draft Budget details Council’s funding for projects and services, forecast financial position, and proposed rates, fees and charges for the year.

Council has seen significant pressure placed on its financial position as a result of COVID-19, with a forecast 10% reduction in revenue for 2020/21.

The total revenue impact is currently estimated at $28.8m.

To ensure continued financial viability over the long term, Council has made some difficult decisions, including:

An efficiency dividend of $14.5m across Council Temporary closure of facilities and reduction of events due to COVID-19 with cost savings of $2.2m Capital expenses reduced by $10m

Usage of $4m from Council’s Cultural Fund for key cultural services in 2020/21 including the artist studios, Riverside Theatres and events.

You can find more details about the Budget in Part 3 of the draft document. 

About the Fees and Charges.

The draft Fees & Charges for 2020/21 provide for a general increase of 3.0%.

Select fees have been varied from the standard increase after taking into account other factors such as community benefits and cost recovery. Key changes are listed in Part 4: Draft Fees and Charges 2020/21.

Changes to statutory fees are as per determination.

For more information please refer to the documents below.

Have your Say

The draft Delivery Program 2018–2021 and Operational Plan and Budget 2020/21 is on exhibition until 9am, Friday 26 June 2020.


You can provide feedback on the Draft Delivery Program 2020/21 in the following ways:

Complete the short survey below

Email: [email protected] with the subject line ‘Feedback on the draft Delivery Program 2020/21'.

All submissions are to be received by 9am on Friday 26 June 2020.

More information

For more information, or if you require information provided in another format, such as a verbal submission, please call 1300 617 058 from 8.30am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday.

Your feedback will be used to inform the final Operational Plan and Budget for 2020/21.

Document Download

Summary Brochure

Summary Brochure (Arabic)

Summary Brochure (Chinese Simplified)

Summary Brochure (Hindi)

Summary Brochure (Korean)

Draft Delivery Program 2018-2021 and Operational Plan 2020-21 Part 1 - 3.pdf

Draft Delivery Program 2018-2021 and Operational Plan 2020-21 Part 4.pdf