Wollondilly Shire Council has welcomed the announcement from Resilience NSW that a Community Recovery Officer will be funded for 12 months to help support the community to recover from the 2019/20 bushfires.

Wollondilly has been identified as one of the 22 most significantly fire affected Local Government Areas across NSW.

The role of the Community Recovery Officer will be to support the community to identify needs, develop local recovery programs, assist in accessing information and resources and provide leadership and community capacity building.

Mayor Matthew Deeth said, “On behalf of our community, I would like to thank the Commonwealth and State Government for providing this important Disaster Recovery funding.”

“We faced the Covid-19 pandemic so soon after the bushfires, our fire affected residents and businesses didn’t have time to recover. This funding ensures that the whole community is supported as we continue on the road to recovery.”

“This position will play a vital role in working with the community to develop local programs, as well as provide support and resources to help during the recovery process.”

The position will require working with a range of community and organisational stakeholders to achieve as much community participation in the recovery process as possible, building on the strengths and capacities of the Wollondilly Shire.

Further information about the Community Recovery Officer position will be available on Council’s website soon.