Next week presents the shire’s senior drivers with the perfect opportunity to have their road-safety questions answered by a panel of experts.

Eurobodalla drivers aged 65 and over are invited to an online forum on Wednesday 3 June from 10am. Eurobodalla Council’s road safety officer Kate McDougall said the question and answer session would provide senior drivers, and their adult children, with easy access to expert advice from representatives of the Centre for Road Safety, the Batemans Bay highway patrol, and Service NSW.

“On The Road 65+ is a friendly and safe way for older drivers to learn more about licencing requirements, road rules, and safer choices when driving or using public transport,” Ms McDougall said.

“All participants will go into the draw to win one of five road-safety packs.”

Ms McDougall said the free event would be run using Microsoft Teams.

“This allows participants to ask questions during the discussion but I encourage people to email their queries to me before the forum too. For example, people might want to know how far they can drive on a restricted licence, or if they need lessons before reapplying for their licence,” she said.

“We’ll send interested people an email with instructions on how to join. It’s easy and there’s no need for prior experience with Microsoft Teams.”

To register or to send a question for the forum, contact Council’s road safety officer Kate McDougall at [email protected]