City of Parramatta Council has today conditionally reopened its sporting fields and outdoor courts to allow teams and individuals to return to training.

The announcement follows advice from the NSW Office of Sport that sporting organisations can resume training sessions, provided they comply with the current Public Health Orders. This includes limiting groups to 10 people and adhering to physical distancing guidelines.

“We still have a long way to go in overcoming this coronavirus crisis and before our lives can return to normal, but the reopening of our sporting fields and outdoor courts for training will be a welcome relief to many in our community,” City of Parramatta Lord Mayor Cr Bob Dwyer said.

“Being active not only helps improve our physical health, but has benefits for our mental wellbeing too.”

Due to social distancing requirements, participants will need to adapt to a modified version of their sports while training. Guidelines have been developed by each sport’s state governing body.

“I understand that people will be excited to go back to training for their sports, but it’s important that we maintain good hygiene practices and continue to follow physical distancing requirements. By doing so, we can protect ourselves and those around us, and keep moving forward in our fight against COVID-19,” Cr Dwyer said.

Council will continue to provide updates through social media and its website as the COVID-19 situation evolves.