Cowaramup District Hall has undergone major restoration works in an effort aimed at bringing the community together through arts, heritage and cultural activities.

The Shire of Augusta Margaret River, in partnership with Lotterywest and the Cowaramup Hall Reserves and Residents Association, has funded over $500,000 on upgrade works to the major community hub.

Shire of Augusta Margaret River Acting Coordinator Technical Services, Polina Chernova said the renovated hall, which was built in 1930, will continue to benefit the community into the future.

“Restoring the hall as a building of heritage value, will ensure its ongoing integrity for future generations”, Ms Chernova said.

“Overall, the restored facility is great and we have attended to every aspect of it.”

Restoration work and structural repairs on the 90-year-old hall include bracing to roof trusses, structural work on the south wall, new jarrah weatherboards, new windows and a new accessible ramp to the front entrance.

Grant-funded works also include the new commercial kitchen, audio-visual equipment, hall security and external works including lighting to the skate park and new footpaths around the hall.

“With a new commercial kitchen and foyer at the rear of the hall, this space can be hired out separately for smaller events”, she said.

“It is conveniently linked to the playground and skate park through the new set of doors on the north façade.

“There are also new toilets that serve both the hall users and the general public.

“Although many of the landscaping works are still underway, the new barbeques and three new shelters have already been quite popular with the community.

The Shire has also improved accessibility by providing wider doors, a portable stage wheelchair lift and a fully accessible new rear extension.

In addition to this, Cowaramup Hall Reserves and Residents Association has funded interior paintwork, while a complete rebuild of the rear lean-to, removal of the old septic system and installation of a deep sewer connection to the public toilets, along with complete refurbishment of the toilets has been Shire funded.

Cowaramup Hall Reserves and Residents Association representative, Neil Earl said the CHRRA were planning an official opening of the hall in late November to celebrate 90 years since the hall first opened.

“We are currently re-working booking plans and look forward to seeing more community groups and business utilise the upgraded hall and surrounds”, Mr Earl said.

For all future booking enquiries please contact Lorraine at Cowaramup Agencies via email at [email protected] or call 08 9755 5279.