!!!! ALERT – CORONAVIRUS – (COVID-19) !!!!!
Gwydir Shire Council 17 Mar 2020
!!!! ALERT – CORONAVIRUS – (COVID-19) !!!!!

As you may be aware the Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, is now a pandemic.

There are currently no diagnosed cases of coronavirus within our Shire, however we need to be vigilant, proactive and be prepared as possible to deal with the virus and its impact on our community.

Council supports the NSW and Federal Governments’ initiative of ‘social distancing’ as it is a way to help slow the spread of the virus.  That means Council has made the hard decision to cancel upcoming community events such as the Warialda Honey Festival, The Sapphires live performances at The Roxy and Council’s upcoming Community Meetings.  Other groups and organisations are also taking such steps with the cancellation of events such as nation-wide ANZAC Day ceremonies.

Council has a Crisis Management Team who are currently implementing strategies to ensure the continued delivery of Council’s essential services and they will be providing necessary information to the community as required.

In order to ensure the safety of our staff and customers Council are implementing additional safety measures.  Where possible visitors to services will be asked to maintain the recommended 1.5-personal distance measure, and at times may be asked to wash hands or use hand sanitizer.

In future if your visit is of a non-urgent nature, or are experiencing flu like symptoms we recommend that you postpone your visit, or alternatively call the service.

We also request that cash payments be limited. We offer a number of alternative payment methods:

Online payments can be made using the BPAY details on your rates or water notice. Bank transfer: Gwydir Shire Council BSB 082-649 Account Number 509 547 471, the reference will be your Assessment Number, Debtor no, Invoice no, Surname. Phone payments are accepted over the phone with a credit/debit Visa card in both the Bingara and Warialda offices. Bingara (02) 6724 2000 Warialda (02) 6729 3000 Counter payments will be accepted over the counter, preferred method of payment is by Debit or Credit card to limit cash handling.

For more up-to-date information on the virus we encourage you to visit https://www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert or phone the Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080.

Thank you for your cooperation.