Market Street – Revitalisation program continues
Balranald (Area) 28 Jan 2020

The next milestone in the Market Street Revitalisation project is the demolition and construction of the medians between Mayall and We Streets. These works are currently scheduled to commence on Thursday 30 January 2020. For the duration of these works traffic management will be in place to control the flow of traffic through the work zone. Between 7am and 5pm the southbound lane (towards Euston) of Market Street will be closed, traffic lights and stop/slow bat (‘lollipop’) operators will be in place. Please respect the directions of workers and adhere to speed limits.

Throughout the works there will be no street parking in the CBD, however the Balranald Ex-Servicemen’s Club has kindly volunteered use of the Club’s parking area during the construction hours. Council extends our gratitude for this opportunity and asks people exercise patience and courtesy when utilising the area, please be mindful of the increased traffic.

Additionally, all heavy vehicles shall be diverted to the bypass for the duration of works.

Council thanks all residents and visitors for their patience and co-operation throughout this busy construction period. We are in the home stretch of the project now. Exciting times ahead!

Plans for your viewing Detour Plan – Traffic Control