A time for unity

Published on 22 January 2020

Locals will stand in solidarity with people from all across the country this weekend as the city celebrates Australia Day.

With much of the country ravaged by bushfires, the lead up to Australia Day has featured a strong focus on national unity.

"It’s been an incredibly difficult time for so many towns across the country with the recent bushfires, and Australia Day provides the perfect opportunity for the nation to stand as one," said Mayor Darriea Turley AM.

The local Australia Day Ceremony will be held on the Civic Centre plaza on January 26, and will get underway from 7am with a BBQ breakfast by gold coin donation courtesy of the Lions Club.

Official proceedings will begin at 8am with a Welcome To Country, followed by the presentation of Australia Day awards and a Citizenship Ceremony to welcome three new Australians.

There will also be an address by social entrepreneur Jarrod Wheatley, who is serving as Broken Hill's Australia Day Ambassador for 2020.

Mr Wheatley has run a Youth Centre, set up programs for refugees, and founded two innovative, not-for-profit organisations - Street Art Murals Australia (SAMA) and Professional Individualised Care (PIC).

The event will conclude with a free morning tea from 10.30am.

WHAT: Australia Day Ceremony

WHERE: Civic Centre Plaza

WHEN: 7am-11.30am, January 26