Level two water restrictions to be enforced across the Yass Valley
Yass Valley Council 14 Jan 2020
Level two water restrictions to be enforced across the Yass Valley

Level two water restrictions will begin in the Yass Valley at midnight on Sunday, 19 January 2020.

Yass Valley Council introduced level one water restrictions on Friday, 20 December 2019 to address the ongoing risk of water supply in the local government area posed by the worsening drought. Level two water restrictions were slated to be implemented in mid-February but the Yass Dam level has already hit 72 per cent and the time for stricter water saving measures has come earlier than anticipated.

“We are constantly monitoring water levels in the Yass Dam and our water usage across the Local Government Area and the situation is constantly changing,” said Council’s Director Engineering, Stan Robb.

“The Yass Dam is currently sitting at 72 per cent and the time has come to increase our water restrictions to level 2. This is a few weeks earlier than we had first hoped due to a combination of record heat extremes, continuing drought and a much faster rate of water evaporation.

“Evaporation from the dam surface plays a big part in the amount of water available for treatment into drinking water. During hot, windy days, evaporation from the surface of the Yass Dam increases. With the current climatic conditions pointing to one of the driest, hottest periods on record, evaporation from the dam is only likely to increase over longer periods. This impacts the level of water in the dam, which in turn plays a significant part in determining the level of water restrictions that need to be in place,” Mr Robb said.

Evaporation currently accounts for about 50 per cent of the water leaving the dam. For every 1L of water people use from their taps, up to 1L of water is lost due to evaporation from the surface of the dam. While temperatures have cooled and rain is forecast for later in the week, it will not be enough to provide the level of water run off required in the catchment area to significantly impact dam levels.

Yass Valley Mayor Rowena Abbey said water supply and security is an ongoing challenge for Councils across the country as we continue to face crippling drought, heatwaves, temperature records and devastating bushfires.

“Council has cut back on watering local sporting fields, parks and open spaces and residents can also help make water savings through simple measures. We have not had water restrictions in Yass for seven years and habits are hard to break. Many of us have not had to deal with a lot of the restrictions we are now facing since the Yass Dam Wall was raised so it’s a challenge for us all.”

The village of Murrumbateman is currently serviced by water drawn from ground water sources and due to occasional supply issues, residents have been on Level One water restrictions there for some time. Due to lowering water tables at the water supply bores, Murrumbateman will join the other towns and villages in the Yass Valley by moving into Level 2 water restrictions, starting midnight on Sunday, 19 January 2020.

Signs will be placed at the entries and exits to all towns and villages advising of these changes and Council will continue to notify residents through print, radio and social media.

What are level two water restrictions?

Private residences Sprinklers (these include pop-ups and micro-sprays) or hand held hoses or drippers in accordance with the following schedule:

Odd street numbered houses on odd numbered days – 7pm to 9pm in the summer months and 4pm to 6pm in the winter months. Even street numbered houses on even numbered days – 7pm to 9pm in the summer months and 4pm to 6pm in the winter months. Houses only with elderly people (who meet the age criteria for State and Government aged concessions) are allowed to water for two hours only between 7am-10am on alternative days. Buckets can be used anytime for essential garden watering only that does not cause pooling or runoff. No hosing of hard surfaces unless cleaning is required as the result of an accident, fire, health hazard or other emergency. Vehicles may be washed on grassed areas rather than paved surfaces, no more than once per fortnight using: A bucket or watering can.A hand held hose fitted with a trigger nozzle.A high pressure/low volume cleaner.

Private swimming pools

No emptying of pools without prior written approval. Refilling or topping up of pools is permitted without prior written approval if the pool is covered when not in use. Topping up with a hand held hose only. Pool covers are encouraged.

For commercial premises Same as private usage except there are no restrictions on commercial vehicle wash facilities.

For public places Parks, ovals and gardens watered at minimum level for sustainability.

Fines of $220 will apply for residents and $550 for businesses who don’t follow the restrictions.

Standpipe users Council’s standpipe will continue to provide a facility for the use of water for residential use, construction and road works within the Yass Valley Local Government Area. However, in line with the NSW Government's priority to allocate water to safeguard essential town water supplies, Council is working with industry to find alternative water supplies and restrict their need to access the reticulated town water supply, especially if it puts our water supplies at risk.

What’s next? Level two water restrictions will remain in place until storage levels have fully recovered, but even rainfall does not guarantee water in our catchment areas. If drought conditions continue, Council could move through water restrictions levels three and four.

14 January 2020

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