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HomeNews Articles2019November 2019 Roll the die for International Games Week
Friday 1 November, 2019

Are you bored staying at home on weeknights? Perhaps some board games will offer you the entertainment you’ve been hoping for! Come along to the International Games Week, Games Night on Thursday 7 of November, 2019, between 6-8pm for a fun filled night of trivia and games.

The Tamworth City Library will be hosting the International Games Week, Games Night (18+ event), an event that is free for all to attend. 

This will be the third time the event has been held at the library since 2017, offering a wide range of games and trivia. Both new and classic favourites will be available on the night including Monopoly, Scrabble and Cards Against Humanity. Who doesn’t love a competitive game of Monopoly? 

International Games Week is an initiative of the Australian Library and Information Association, running from Sunday 3 of November through to Saturday 9 of November 2019. 

Tamworth City Library, Reader’s Services Librarian, Amanda Burke, said: “The event helps promote the educational value of games, social inclusion and the library as a safe space to come and socialise.”

“The event is also a great opportunity for the community to experience the games collection available in the library, and engage traditional non-library users by showing them what else we have to offer”. 

A selection of refreshments will be available including nibbles, beer and wine to ensure a fantastic night. Bookings are requested to assist with catering requirements, please book online or call the library on (02) 6767 5228.

“I can’t wait to see everyone there and hope they’re all ready to join in with our exciting selection of board games”, said Miss Burke.