In response to community concerns that Eskbank Station is being demolished, Council has received advice from Transport NSW, Sydney Trains that Eskbank Station is actually being modified so that the wider trains can pass. 

This exciting project will not only modify the platform faces, but will also maintain and reinstate some of the heritage components of the structures to return them to the state of the 1900s.  In summary the works being undertaken are:

Down Platform: the platform edge will be trimmed by 250mm, all rubbish will be removed from inside the shelter, the structural cracks in the rear of the building structure repaired and the gutters replaced.  Up Platform: the existing up platform face will be demolished and then rebuilt with concrete piles and a heritage brick façade, the original 1900s sandstone paving on the platform will be installed and the original heritage wooden fencing will be installed.

Click the link below to view a photomontage showing the scope of works; what the station looks like now and concepts of what it will look like when the works are completed.

View upgrade plans