More than 1,240 mattresses have been collected and recycled from homes in Canterbury-Bankstown since July this year, as part of Council’s Booked Clean Up service.

Mayor Khal Asfour said about 1.25 million mattresses end up in landfill across Australia each year.

“And in Canterbury-Bankstown, more than 3,500 were collected and recycled last year,” he said.

“Once collected, the mattresses are processed by our contractors Veolia and JWS, who put them through a series of processes to separate and recycle materials.”

Some of the mattress materials that can be recycled include:

Timber – processed into mulch and compost;Springs – are separated using magnets and sent to scrap dealers, where they can end up being used in buildings and infrastructure, vehicles and appliances; andTextiles and foam – converted to an engineered fuel.

“The success of this service is a timely reminder for residents to do the right thing,” Mayor Asfour said.

“If people put their mattresses out with their scheduled booked clean-up, it means we can collect them more efficiently.

“It’s all part of our commitment to making our City more clean and green, which is an expectation of the community.

“But we can’t do it alone. We need everyone to play their part in caring for the environment, which means being informed about correct recycling practices.”

For more information, or to book a household clean-up, visit