​Wednesday, 6 February 2019 - 10.00am-12.00pm

Are you thinking of starting a business or new to business? Register now for this free event run by ATO staff.  Come along and learn about:

Come along and learn about:

business structures – which is best for you;registering your business;record keeping -  understanding how to keep track of your business;reporting online to save time;business life cycles - why they're important;help and more information  - where to go when you need it; and networking with other new business owners in your area.​

We will show you online tools and resources that can help you and you'll have the chance to ask questions. *There is a dedicated Employer essentials free workshop, so employer obligations are not covered in this event. Please bring a pen and your smartphone or tablet. After the event we will send you a short online survey - we value your feedback. 

For more information call Nick Passalis on 9374 1145 or email [email protected]

To register: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/tax-essentials-for-small-business-bankstown-nsw-tickets-51274331907


Canterbury Bankstown Business Advisory Service Ground Floor, 66-72 Rickard Rd Bankstown, NSW 2200 #Business-Events