“For the week ending 25 January, the following key works were completed by Council staff”, noted Council’s Mayor, Cr. Ray Thompson.

Within the urban Lithgow area last week, Council staff have allocated resources to the repair of stormwater infrastructure throughout Lithgow. In particular, staff reconstructed a large section of the stormwater channel underneath Barracks Place, Lithgow in order to eliminate the surcharge issues resulting from poor infrastructure design. Additionally, Council has engaged hydraulic specialists in order to provide Council with options for measurable improvements to the stormwater infrastructure in the vicinity of Laurence Street and Main Street, Lithgow to reduce the persistent flooding.

“Last week, staff have completed capital improvements to a number of urban and rural road assets”, said Mayor Thompson. Bathurst Street, Wallerawang, Lett Street, Portland, Falnash / Illford Lane, Portland and Quarry Place, South Bowenfels are ready for seal on 14 February. Also, this month saw the hotmix reseal of Clarice Street, Clarice Street Lane and Lett Street, Lithgow.

“It has been noted of late that both Bridge Street and Tank Street, Lithgow are in quite a poor state,” said Mayor Thompson. The community has been appropriate in directing their concern to Council. However, there is light at the end of this tunnel. There are plans in place over the next couple of months to complete the extensive water main renewals that were the original cause of the road surface defects in this area. Once complete, Council has put aside significant funding to complete the reseal of Tank Street and Bridge Street from Inch Street through to Mort Street. In preparation, a tender has already been let and a successful contractor has been appointed and remains on standby, awaiting completion of the water main renewal. Council engineers are acutely aware of the situation and are working diligently to solve the issues around the water main replacements as quickly as possible to minimise ongoing disruption.