West Street

Following consideration by the North Sydney Traffic Committee, North Sydney Council has adopted the following recommendation for temporary changes in parking arrangement in West Street, Crows Nest to accommodate drop off/pick up for Cammeraygal High School as follows:

THAT 5 spaces of “No Parking 8am-9.30am; 2.30pm-4pm School Days” be installed on West Street to the north of the driveway access to Cammeraygal High School (149 West Street). THAT the existing 3 spaces of “2 Hour Parking 8.30am-6pm Mon-Fri Permit Holders Excepted Area 19” on West Street in front of Cammeraygal High School be relocated to the north, adjacent to 143 Ernest Street. THAT a notification be distributed to adjacent residents explaining the changes prior to implementation. THAT the Department of Education continue to work with Council on a permanent solution to provide for adequate parking and bus access to the school and the community be consulted on the agreed solution and the matter brought back to the Traffic Committee for approval prior to Final Occupation Certification.

The abovementioned recommendation impacts the existing parking in WEST STREET.  It is expected that these changes will occur shortly, within the next three weeks.

Further information contact Council on 9936 8100 or email [email protected]

Council appreciates your co-operation in this matter.

Yours faithfully 

Iman Mohammadi


27 December 2018