What's your food story? September - Pflaumenkuchen
City of Swan 1 Sep 2018
What's your food story? September - Pflaumenkuchen

Published on 01 September 2018

Last year, the City of Swan ran a recipe competition inviting residents to submit their food stories. The winning recipes were selected by local Swan Valley chefs, Herb Faust (Houghton Winery Cafe) and Caroline Taylor (Taylor's Art and Coffee House).

September's winning recipe is Pflaumenkuchen submitted by Elizabeth Archer. Elizabeth elaborates;

"It doesn't matter where you're from, or how long you've been away from the place you once called home, there's always an unspoken longing for something familiar. I've always noticed a gleam in my family's eye when a dish from home appears proving just how important that culinary tradition if for happiness. Food is a shared language of love, comfort and nourishment and sweet foods speak directly to the heart!"

Ingredients A generous dribble rum essence, or vanilla essence Sugar and cinnamon to sprinkle.  Method Cream butter and sugar together until smooth. Mix through rum or vanilla essence. Sift in flour and mix through to a smooth batter. Line a lamington tin with baking paper. Spread cake batter and smooth. Arrange sliced plums on top and sprinkle generously with cinnamon and sugar. Bake for 35-40 minutes until golden on top and just coming away at sides.