Published on Tuesday, 11 June 2024 at 1:…
Town of Bassendean 11 Jun 2024

Published on Tuesday, 11 June 2024 at 1:28:45 PM

The Town of Bassendean has expressed disappointment over the City of Swan’s approach to a proposed boundary review. Following elector’s motions supported at recent Annual General Meetings of both municipalities, and subsequent council resolutions, the City and Town were intended to collaborate on reviewing the boundaries of the City of Swan’s south-western district and explore the development of a joint proposal for potential boundary changes to the Local Government Advisory Board.

Mayor Kath Hamilton of the Town of Bassendean voiced concerns about the process that has failed to honour the terms of the Swan Council resolution of March 13th, 2024.

“Instead, the City of Swan pre-prepared an internal report that seemed intent on curtailing the process before it began, rather than participating in authentic engagement with the Town to identify community synergies or fostering a genuine collaborative process,” said Mayor Hamilton. “Rather than inviting the Town to discuss potential boundary proposals on the 22nd of May, the City presented its own staff report that was narrow in scope, and concluded on the basis of that report, that there was no need for further conversations. I want to emphasise that the Town of Bassendean wish to engage with the City of Swan in good faith, and to that end we have confirmed our commitment to exploring boundary adjustments in writing, and sought agreement on a transparent, objective, and collegial approach, including a comprehensive communications plan for all stakeholders. The Town’s preference remains for a collaborative boundary review, with our two local governments engaging an independent party to undertake this,” said Mayor Hamilton.

Town of Bassendean CEO, Cameron Woods said, “The narrow scope and framing of the City of Swan report relies on questionable assumptions. To that end, independent analysis of demographic, economic, and historic data, together with the Markyt Scorecards of both local authorities, would offer very different insights compared to the Boundary Report (Item 14.2.1) presented by the City of Swan in the agenda for their June Ordinary Council Meeting.”

At the City of Swan’s Annual Meeting of Electors in February, electors supported a motion proposing that the City reviews the boundaries of the south-western district and engages with the Town of Bassendean to establish interest in collaboration on a joint proposal for potential boundary changes to the Local Government Advisory Board. The motion also requested that if the two councils wish to proceed with a proposal, a consultation with affected communities and stakeholders be carried out and resulting feedback considered before recommendations are presented to the Minister.

Town of Bassendean electors embraced the idea at the Town of Bassendean General Meeting of Electors on Tuesday 13 February 2024, carrying the motion: “That the Town of Bassendean Council writes to the City of Swan to express willingness to engage in a collaborative process to review a potential boundary realignment exploring whether there are synergies for some or all of those adjoining urban communities to be represented by the Town of Bassendean.”

The Town of Bassendean remains committed to engaging in respectful and collaborative dialogue with the City of Swan on this matter and is ready to move forward in a manner that serves the best interests of the communities involved.

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