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Shire of Collie 24 Jan 2024

The Shire of Collie is currently advertising its draft Collie Airfield Master Plan.

The draft Collie Airfield Master Plan was endorsed for advertising for public comment by Council on 12 December 2023.

The purpose of the Collie Airport Master Plan is to:

Facilitate the progressive development of the airfield; Inform decision-making on new works; Identify options and opportunities for investment – enabling the introduction of commercial activity; Facilitate increased levels of service appropriate to the role and function of the Collie Airfield; and Optimise aviation opportunities/initiatives.

The Master Plan has been developed according to the methodology recommended in the Australian Airports Association Regional Airport Master Planning Guidelines. Specific deliverables from the Master Plan include the identification and assessment of:

Aviation and tourism related investment opportunities, flight training facility operations opportunities and aviation related manufacturing and service opportunities; Opportunities to enhance visitation and visitor services to the region and/or firefighting surveillance base; Opportunities for electric airport design, development and manufacture and remote air surveillance monitoring operations; Potential for increased service levels to industry, tourism activity and community; Potential new industries and recreational activity opportunities; Development areas, servicing requirements and arrangements for land development (land development capability and land use plan) including areas for potential new industry and industry sectors; Recommendations for land tenure rationalisation based on the dot point above; Recommendations for airport certification, regulation and management arrangements to best meet objectives for the facility.

This draft Master Plan has been informed by various early engagement activities including liaison with elected members, Shire staff and other relevant stakeholders.

Submissions close on Thursday 29th February 2024. Submissions should be provided in writing and must include your name and address. A submission form is available for download below. Submissions may be posted or delivered to the Shire of Collie at 87 Throssell St, COLLIE WA 6225 or emailed to [email protected]

Enquiries can be directed to Collie’s Planning Department on 9734 9028.

Draft Collie Airport Masterplan

Submission Form