Adoption of Local Planning Policies under Local Planning Scheme No. 3
Shire of York 27 Nov 2023

Published on Monday, 27 November 2023 at 12:02:40 PM

Notice is hereby given that the Shire of York, has formally adopted six (6) Local Planning Policies under the Shire’s Local Planning Scheme No.3 that were previously prepared and adopted under the Shire of York Town Planning Scheme No.2. The policies primary role is to guide development, clearly articulate what Council aims to achieve through development control and provide additional information concerning the position Council will likely take on particular planning matters.

P1 - Advertising Signage

The objectives of the policy are to:

Ensure advertisements are appropriately sized and sited for their location; Require advertisements to maintain and enhance the amenity of the immediate area, including areas of historical or environmental significance; Discourage ineffective, visually intrusive and proliferation of excessive advertisements; and Provide guidelines for consistent decision making for advertisements on zoned or reserved land within the Shire of York. 

P2 - Barn Style Shed Houses

The objectives of the policy are to:

Achieve a high standard of development and residential amenity; Protect the natural and historic beauty of the York townsite; Make provisions regarding the preferred nature and location of residential buildings; and Ensure infill residential development in heritage precincts and near heritage places is of a high standard and does not detract from the place or precinct. 

P4 - Extractive Industries - Road Maintenance Contribution

The objectives of the policy are to:

Ensure those portions of Shire of York controlled roads affected by the heavy vehicle movements associated with Extractive Industries are maintained to a minimum acceptable standard at no extra burden of cost to Council; Prescribe an annual road maintenance contribution, applicable to all Extractive Industries within the Shire of York, for recovery of expenses towards maintenance and repair of roads due to heavy and/or extraordinary traffic movements associated with the operation of an Extractive Industry, in keeping with Sections 84 and 85 of the Road Traffic Act 1974; and Ensure the prescribed road maintenance contribution correlates with activity and usage of the Shire of York road network. 

P5 - Heritage Management - Interpretative Signage

The objectives of the policy are to:

Generate awareness of the rich and diverse historic and social cultural heritage within the Shire of York's built environment; Provide a procedure to recognise buildings approved to be demolished within the Shire of York which are considered to hold historic and/or social cultural heritage values not reflected directly in the building's structure, style or physical appearance; and Encourage innovative and varied forms of heritage interpretation, which recognises different opportunities, depending on the type and scale of development.

P8 - Relocated Second-Hand Dwellings

The objectives of the policy are to:

Provide clear standards as to what constitutes an acceptable type of relocated second-hand building to be used as a dwelling or for other habitable purposes; Ensure compliance with the relevant provisions of Council’s Local Planning Scheme No.3 in a manner that is realistic and that ensures the relocation of second-hand dwellings is undertaken to an approved standard that has due regard to local amenity and aesthetics; and Ensure the style, construction and design of relocated dwellings is in keeping with the character of the surrounding dwellings in particular and the locality in general.

P9 - Sea Containers

The objectives of the policy are to:

Outline Council’s development standards in regard to the location and use of sea containers within the Shire.

A copy of the policies is available here. Hard copies are also available at the Shire Administration Building at 1 Joaquina Street, York.


Chris Linnell


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