PA83 Development application – Lot 287 South Western Highway GWINDINUP
Shire of Capel 28 Apr 2022
About the proposal

Amended Development application for an industry extractive and extractive industry licence.

Reference: PA83/2021 Applicant: Mario Michele Giacci

Address: Lot 287 South Western Highway GWINDINUP

Relevant documents

Proposal description

The Shire has received an application seeking approval for the use of Industry Extractive & EIL at the above lot.  The development involves the following: The proposed extraction area has been reduced from 35.15ha to 32.58ha (including previously approved pit (17.27ha) extracted in 20 stages up to 2ha each in size. Proposed setback from the extraction area to the closest residence has been increased from 100m to 155m. Proposed native vegetation clearing is reduced from 11.33ha to 9.7ha by retaining further native vegetation along the northern boundary. Proposed truck movements are changed from 5 to 10 truck movements per day to a maximum of 65 truck movements per day for large haulage campaigns. Post-extraction connectivity of native vegetation is increased by retaining further native vegetation along the northern boundary and by more proposed revegetation along the northern boundary. Proposed harvesting of Blue Gum plantation trees. Proposed annual extraction rate of 50,000m3 remains unchanged. Proposed maximum extraction depth of 5m below Natural Ground Level (NGL) remains unchanged. Proposed extraction depth to remain more than 4m above groundwater levels remains unchanged. Proposed access via Lowrie Road remains unchanged. Proposed operating hours between 7am and 6pm Monday to Friday with no operation on weekends or public holidays has been changed to include 7am to 1pm Saturdays. The change to final batter slopes from 1:10 (as previously approved) to 1:6 remains unchanged. The noise assessment, Dust Management Plan, Rehabilitation Plan have been updated to reflect the amended proposal.