Strategic Community Plan 2021 – 2031
Shire of Capel 15 Sep 2021

The Special Meeting of Electors is being held at the Gelorup Community Centre, Thursday 14 October 2021, 6pm.

Here is how the process will go:

On arrival the Shire will check your name off the electoral role, if you are an Elector you will be able to participate in the meeting discussion and voting. You will be issued with a coloured card provided to raise for voting. If you are not an Elector you will be able to attend, however won’t be able to participate in the meeting.

The Shire and the Department of Health will both be presenting during the meeting at item 3 on the Agenda.

There will be an opportunity to ask public questions at item 4 on the Agenda.

Decisions from Special Electors Meetings:

At item 6 of the Agenda, motions can be moved relating to the topic of mosquito management, there are currently 6 motions in the Agenda.

The Presiding Member will call upon the Elector requesting to move a motion The Elector can move their motion and a seconder will be called for Once a seconder is established, Electors can raise their hand and request to speak for or against the motion The Presiding Member will then call for a vote, Electors can raise coloured card when voting (hands raised without coloured card will not be counted)

Attendees should note that no action will be taken on any item discussed or any motion adopted at the Special Meeting of Electors.

Motions adopted at the Special Meeting of Electors will be referred to and considered at a later Ordinary Meeting of Council at the Shire of Capel.  Shire officers will provide reports and information to that Ordinary Meeting of Council on the motions.  The Council will, at that time, decide on any action(s) to be taken.

Special Electors Meeting with Attachment – PDF