Local basketballers will have a spring their step this upcoming season with the courts at the Margaret River Recreation Centre set to be renewed next month.

The works, which form part of the centre’s annual maintenance program, include repairing damaged boards as well as sanding and resealing the playing surface.

Shire of Augusta Margaret River Recreation Services Coordinator Seb Miller said it was important to maintain a good quality court surface for both the enjoyment of the game and to reduce the risk of injury.  

“Anyone who has played basketball knows what happens when there are dead spots on the court – it often means bad bounces and jarring for ankles and knees,” he said.

“This ongoing investment into the courts will ensure the community has high quality recreation facilities for years to come.”

The courts will be unavailable from Monday 20 September to Friday 24 September inclusive while the renewal is underway.

All affected bookings have been notified and any further queries can be directed to [email protected] or 97805620.