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Shire of Ashburton 1 Oct 2020

Shire of Ashburton residents are being asked to take measures to reduce the mosquito population around their homes and properties.

In our region mosquito activity tends to coincide with the wet season. However mosquitoes breed all year round, so people need to remain vigilant.

There have been confirmed cases of Ross River virus in the past and Murray Valley Encephalitis virus has been found to be present in the Shire.

Currently there is no cure or vaccine to protect against mosquito-borne diseases acquired in WA. The only way to prevent infection is to avoid being bitten. Remember to cover up, clean up and repel.

Cover up: by wearing long, loose-fitting, light coloured clothing you reduce the likelihood of mosquito bites.

Clean up: a mosquito can lay hundreds of eggs at a time. By removing, emptying or covering water-holding reservoirs (including pools and water fountains) you can reduce mosquito breeding.

Repel: when outdoors where mosquitoes are present, apply insect repellent containing either DEET (diethyltoluamide) or picaridin evenly to exposed skin.

By doing our part we can all contribute to a safer environment.

For more information visit healthywa.wa.gov.au/FighttheBite or contact the Shire’s Environmental Team on 08 9188 4444 or email [email protected].

For media information contact:

Alison Lennon - Manager Media and Communications, Shire of Ashburton

M: 0409 314 140 | E: [email protected]

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