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Shire of Harvey 29 Apr 2020

Council passed the COVID-19 Response Local Economic Stimulus Package and the COVID-19 Response Grants Program valued at $1.1 million at its April Ordinary Council Meeting.

Harvey Shire President Paul Gillett said this package included a zero per cent increase to the rates for the 2020/2021 Budget, valued at $795,000 and the grants program would offer $70,000 of support to community groups that can demonstrate an ability to deliver projects.

He said there would be no increases to non-statutory fees and charges and no administration fees for rate instalment payments for the 2020/2021 financial year. Printing costs associated with any electronic submissions for building or planning applications from 1 March 2020 to 30 June 2021 would be waived. Cr Gillett said there would be no increases to rubbish charges or recreation centre fees for the next financial year.

Council also endorsed the COVID-19 Financial Hardship Policy, which would support the community in what has been an unprecedented difficult time.

“These packages and the hardship policy ensures that we offer adequate and fair support to our ratepayers. We understand this has been an extremely hard time for many people and we want to support all members of our community with respect and understanding,” he said.

“As a result of the COVID-19 crisis, there has been a significant economic impact on the Shire’s local industries which has adversely impacted many of the Shire’s residents.

“It is important in these times to continue with projects, therefore Council endorsed unbudgeted for works for major maintenance on our two recreation centres.”

These works include:

Aquatic roof insulation replacement at Leschenault Leisure Centre. Building upgrades including replacement of carpets, kitchen floor renewal and painting at Leschenault Leisure Centre. Harvey Recreation and Cultural Centre renovations to the gym and function room refurbishment. CCTV replacement for both centres.

Cr Gillett said if you have any questions regarding the COVID-19 response packages to please call the Shire on 9727 0300 or email [email protected]