Encouraging fitness for over 80s
Shire of Harvey 25 Sep 2019

A few of the Living Legends participants – Elke Schulze, Arthur Linley and Vanda Murray

The Shire recently introduced a new incentive for seniors over the age of 80 to participate in physical activity, by offering free lifetime memberships to the Leschenault Leisure Centre.

Centre Manager Richard Duke said complimentary membership would be offered to participants for access to the Centre’s aquatic and gymnasium facilities once they reach the 80-year milestone.

“The Centre already runs a number of programs to maintain and improve their level of fitness and mobility and by offering free access to the facilities for over 80s we aim to increase the number of older people taking up or continuing physical exercise,” Mr Duke said.

“Participants of our Aqua classes and Living Legends program are aware of the physical and psychological benefits of exercising and their participation also enables them to develop a social network and improve mental health.”

Currently, there are 16 people with LLC memberships who are over the age of 80, including the oldest member Vanda Murray who is 97.

Vanda loves coming to the centre, especially taking part in the Living Legends program which she has been part of since its conception eight years ago.

“It is an absolute joy to come here, the staff are very good, the atmosphere is wonderful and you are shown how to use the machines and corrected when you may not be doing it right,” she said.

“There are so many social benefits to coming to the program, we all have coffee afterwards and a chat.

“My doctor told me to join the gym after my husband passed away and it has been very beneficial.”

Living Legends participant Arthur Linley said the social and physical benefits were “part and parcel of attending the program.”

“We check in with each other, sit down for coffee or tea afterwards and enjoy catching up.”

To find out how you can get involved visit the LLC website.