Council Adopts 2019/2020 Budget
City of Rockingham 27 Jun 2019

The budget incorporates a 3.6% increase for all residential properties in the City, which equates to an average increase of approximately $50 per annum.

In WALGA’s 2018/2019 statistics the City was 21st out of 31 local governments for average residential rates, ranked highest to lowest, and its average rates were below the metropolitan average.  

City of Rockingham Mayor Barry Sammels said the 2019/2020 Annual Budget would assist the City in delivering infrastructure, services and programs for the community.

“The City of Rockingham is one of the fastest growing areas in WA, with the City’s population growing at double the state average,” Mayor Sammels said.

“This increase in population has led to a huge demand for vital community infrastructure and services. In the past five years alone, the value of the City’s assets increased from $632 million to $2.1 billion and the City is required to maintain these assets for the community’s benefit. 

“As the City continues to grow it is also required to take on additional infrastructure from developers.”

A number of important capital expenditure projects for 2019/2020 will be carried out in the budget.

They include:

construction of stage one of the Baldivis District Sporting Complex Point Peron boat launching facility upgrades refurbishment of the 25m and 50m pools at the Aqua Jetty in Warnbro construction of the Rockingham Youth Centre stage three of the Port Kennedy Drive duplication project refurbishment of the Safety Bay Library.  renewal at the Cooloongup Skate Park.

“The City understands the current economic climate may be difficult for some residents, which is why we are committed to providing a number of options to help people pay rates,” Mayor Sammels said.

“These options include Rates Smoothing, instalment payments, and direct debits either weekly, fortnightly or monthly.”

For more information on rates in the City of Rockingham visit Rates FAQs. 

See budget and finance for a copy of the 2019/2020 Annual Budget.