New volunteer ‘Mentors’ are being sought by the Margaret River CoderDojo club, to support ‘Ninjas’ (aged between 7 and 17 years) as they develop coding skills.

Mentors need to have a basic understanding of coding, be able to get a Working With Children check, and be available to attend club meetings from 4pm to 5.30pm on Fridays during school term at the Margaret River Library.

Shire’s Library Technician Jodie Porter said CoderDojo is part of a world-wide movement of free coding clubs that help local youth to develop digital literacy skills in an inclusive, respectful and friendly social environment.

“The Margaret River Library supports the club by providing the meeting space, computing facilities, and other technology,” she said.

“Since its launch in early 2017, the club has worked with robotics, digital art, 3D printing, and much more.

“The Ninjas sometimes work together in groups to complete projects, and at other times follow their own individual interests.”

Ms Porters said the club needs help to meet growth into the future, and to continue to provide opportunities for local youth.

“Mentors can be tertiary education students, parents, working professionals, or anyone else who has an interest in coding,” she said.

“If you feel like you have something to give please get in contact with the Library and give the club a go.

“It’s a very rewarding opportunity and also looks great on a resume.”

If you would like to volunteer to be a Mentor at the Margaret River CoderDojo please contact Jodie Porter on 9780 5600 or [email protected]