(21/12/2018) Go into the running to win a $50 FAC voucher!
City of Fremantle 21 Dec 2018

We need your help reviewing our current website! To help us better understand how residents, visitors and business owners use our website, we’re looking for volunteers to participate in a series of online testing activities.

It’s super-easy and you’ll go into the draw to win one of three $50 vouchers to spend as you wish at Fremantle Arts Centre*.

Online testing activities

The two separate but equally important activities focus on how information is presented and how easily you navigate through our menu. Is the website layout logical? Is there ambiguity with the terms? Are some pages duplicated?

The activities will take about 10-15mins to complete:

Sitemap testing:  Find a subject by browsing through our menu. This test will help us learn how we group information and whether they’re sitting under categories you would expect.First click: Click on where you would find a subject on the homepage. This test will help us learn if we’re presenting the right information on the homepage. Testing close date

Testing closes Sun 20 Jan 2019.

Remember, this is everyone’s website. We want to get it right and it starts with you!

*View the terms and conditions.