Donnybrook and Balingup Libraries will host The National Summer Reading Club during December to January for kids aged from Pre-School to 17. The Theme for this is CURIOUS CREATURES. From real creatures to the imagined, actual to mythological, microscopic to megafauna, and Australia’s marvellous marsupials to all the classification of Animalia in between, this summer children and young people will be encouraged to explore and connect with a curiosity of creatures.

Children who register their participation in the reading club generally receive a participation pack, which includes a selection of fun summer reading club merchandise! Items may include: bookmarks, tattoos, stickers, and activity booklets. (Note: Libraries may offer different rewards and incentives for participating in the Summer Reading Club.)

For more information contact Donnybrook Community Library on 9731 0432, drop into the library or online at Summer Reading Club

– Check with your library to see what they have on offer!