Drought projects update - July 2020

Published on 01 July 2020

Twenty of the 22 infrastructure projects supported by $1 million of funding from the Federal Government’s Drought Communities Programme – Extension have now been completed.

Council announced in late 2019 that 22 projects and 15 initiatives or activities would benefit from $1 million of Federal Government funding, with these Stage 1 projects initially scheduled to be completed by 30 June 2020.

“Council has partnered with the community to roll out these projects, with the majority of these works achieved despite the COVID-19 pandemic,” Mayor Lorraine Learmonth said.

“During the past month enhancement works along the parkrun course in Kerang, including the installation of directional signage and picnic facilities, as well as improvements to fire services at the Kerang Museum and Kerang Lawn Tennis Club precinct were completed.”

Development of a multi-use scoreboard at the Cohuna Recreation Reserve and improvements to the Koondrook Historical Society headquarters continue.

“Council continues to work with the groups who use the Cohuna Recreation Reserve for events regarding the scoreboard project, which is now scheduled for completion in August,” Mayor Learmonth said.

“The Koondrook Historical Society is also looking forward to improvements to their facilities, which are on track to be completed this month.”

Half of the community resilience support measures supported by the Federal Government funding were rolled out prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, with events and programs yet to proceed still on hold.

“Although the rollout of community resilience projects supported by Stage 1 funding remains on hold due to Coronavirus social distancing measures, all involved in these projects and events look forward to the resumption of these programs and rescheduling of these events once social distancing measures are relaxed,” Mayor Learmonth said.

Meanwhile, Council continues to work with community groups that will assist with the delivery of a further 22 projects and nine events that will benefit from initiatives supported by another $1 million of Stage 2 funding, with these projects, activities and events to be completed by 31 December 2020.

Details and updates on all projects supported by funding from the Federal Government’s Drought Communities Programme – Extension is available online at www.gsc.vic.gov.au/droughtfunding

ABOVE: Kerang Regional parkrun participants will benefit from improvements to the course when weekly events resume. These improvements were made possible thanks to funding from the Federal Government’s Drought Communities Programme – Extension.