Statement from Lord Mayor regarding Australian bushfire crisis
Hobart City Council 6 Jan 2020
Statement from Lord Mayor regarding Australian bushfire crisis

Published on 06 January 2020

From the City of Hobart, and on behalf of our community, I want to express the sorrow we feel as we witness the devastation brought by fires burning around Australia.

As a capital city in a state that is no stranger to wildfires, we know the terror and destruction they bring.

Our community sends our deepest condolences to the families of people who have lost their lives; and our thanks to the firefighters who continue to risk theirs to help others.

We also feel a great sadness for the huge loss of nature and wildlife in some of our country’s most beautiful places.

At the City of Hobart, we are encouraging our employees to donate to official bushfire appeals and we hope businesses across our city will do the same.

Finally, I want to urge residents of Hobart to take heed of the warnings from these fires - our climate is changing and this summer is far from over.

The bushland in Tasmania is extraordinarily dry and we all need to prepare for a fire season that will run longer than we're used to.

This is no time for complacency. Our own Tasmanian Fire Service has lots of information about how to prepare your home and ensure you have a plan.

Please, stay safe and look after your neighbourhood.

Cr Anna Reynolds

Hobart Lord Mayor